Strange Worlds of Lunacy: The Galaxy's Silliest Anthology
The two, crazy flash-fictions appearing in this side-splitting cast of stories are:
Shake, Rattle, and Roll
Food feeds the mind and music the soul. But what happens when the two are combined into one "rising" reality? Lots of dough.
Baby Truth
Where do babies come from? No, don't give me any of that mother and father stuff. That's a cover. Now, tell me, where do they really, really come from?
This one comes with an illo by Swedish artist Richard Svensson too!
These two flash fictions have appeared no where else but in this anthology, and only a small handful of people have read them. Mainly, my family and the two editors of the anthology. Oh yes, and I read them to my writer's club, but no one else!
Then, of course, there are tons of other stories in there that will have you laughing. You'll enjoy these stories for many a moon. Go buy a copy now! Not later--NOW! And then, of course, enjoy!